Of Magical Rainbows, Thousand Splendid Suns and Joy of Renewing Lives
Down the ages, since the advent of man, of the many galaxies of knowledge, understanding and wisdom the human beings have voyaged through, easily the most enchanting, the most exhilarating, and the most engaging has been the starry constellation of medicine. Welcome to this world of magical shining stars at GS University, my friends!
Drawing the secrets and truths that make the human body, mind and spirit tango with the joys of life, and savour the rainbows and the heavenly dance of Spring in blossom, the foundations of Medicine have increasingly become stronger and weightier, and its teachers and practitioners have received the greatest adulation of the species. Globally, many thinkers — not just in the Eastern hemisphere — have elevated medical men to the high pedestal of demi-gods.
The human life, to my mind, is imbued with two kinds of truths. The truth that lights the way and the truth that warms the heart. The first of these is science, and the second is art! Those who dwell the quarters of healing temples, be they be physicians, ayurvedacharyas, allied health professionals or nurses, must imbibe both these truths.
As medicine trudges on, solemn in its quest to uncover the great truths that lie hidden within us, and finds roadmaps to ease the suffering and cure ailing bodies and minds, the duty of those who teach, train, and inspire the future practitioners of medicine becomes laden with gravitas and huge trials and tribulations.
Those who teach, and those being taught and must carry the torch forward, must never forget that the human biological milieu is marked and marshalled by so many variables that medicine can ill-afford to let go off its humility and goodness. Just as a great teacher once said, ‘Medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability’!
While biotechnology blossoms and finds nano-solutions, artificial intelligence and machine learning pump up the algorithmic approaches in medicine making it more machine-driven and error-proof, the secret lies in not letting the values set by our forefathers fade and wither away. Let this be our guiding thought, as we dig hard under, and set our mind and eyes to the keyhole of progress.
Indeed, to be a physician, a practitioner of Indian system of medicine, a paramedic, or a nurse is a joy with few equals. It gives us the opportunity to nurture well-being, preserve life, and renew joy in the lives of other people. Each day is filled with brand new challenges, fresh quests, and a myriad of rainbows, replete with the glowing colours of rapidly growing knowledge, cutting edge technology, new healing molecules, and the delight of rekindling life.
As science spreads wings to fly over the unmapped territories of human body and mind, making steady progress and drawing new blueprints to resolve pathological conditions that trouble life, the tour de force of medicine, biotechnology, allied health and nursing sciences must be to herald a thousand, nay ten thousand splendid suns in the lives of people.
While being devoted to developing the highest ethical values, and a deep understanding, sensitivity and care of the human mind and body, the Schools of Medicine, Ayurveda, Nursing, and Allied Health, and Department of Research at GS University remain deeply committed to advancing promotive, preventive and curative healthcare – across systems of medicine, Western and Indian, modern and ancient, and foster pious confluence of diverse pathies, nursing sciences, and allied health disciplines.